The Ultimate Listing System

Here's Your Chance to Dramatically Enhance Your Listing Success

A special limited-time offer to have The Ultimate Listing System in your corner for the rest of your career.


Discover the proven techniques and strategies to excel in real estate listings, sales, and negotiations.

Join The Ultimate Listing System and gain the clarity, confidence, and competitive edge you need to drive your sales productivity and achieve exceptional results.

Why Choose The Ultimate Listing System?

With The Ultimate Listing System, you'll gain the confidence and skills to handle all kinds of sellers and overcome any issues that come your way. This program is packed with proven strategies and expert insights that will transform your approach to listing properties.

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Brilliant pre-listing preparation for you and your vendors
  • How to set the scene and lead the meeting professionally
  • The ultimate listing roadmap and how to follow it to listing success
  • The secrets of rapid rapport building
    Quality questions that uncover vendors’ needs, wants and desires
  • How to sell marketing effectively
  • How to lead the property price discussion
  • How to handle fees and commissions
  • Exceptional positioning of you, your agency and your strategy in a powerful way
  • How to deal with objections effectively – in fact look forward to them
  • Effective dialogue that earns you great results
  • Feeling great about asking for the business – it’s your right and obligation

Unlock Your Listing Success Today!

Get "The Ultimate Listing System" and gain the tools and techniques to excel in real estate.


Here's a quick message from Michael Sheargold

Led by Real Estate SuperCoach Michael Sheargold, this comprehensive course is your ticket to securing more business and achieving unprecedented success in the real estate market. Buy now and take a powerful step in enhancing your listing system.


The Ultimate Listing System

Full Price is $997, available for a limited time for:



Grab this incredible opportunity! The original price for The Ultimate Listing System is $997, but for a limited time, you can enrol for just $297. This special offer ends on the 30th of June, so act now to secure your spot at this unbeatable price.


Join other switched-on real estate professionals as we do a deep dive on The Ultimate Listing System.

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Are you ready to dramatically increase your listing success?

You’ll learn the most relevant and in-depth strategies to dramatically enhance your listing success.

  • Build a Competitive Edge
  • Drive Sales Productivity
  • Gain Clarity & Confidence

Your success as an agent will never out-perform your ability to list property.

Your Success Awaits

Your success as an agent will never out-perform your ability to list property. Whether it’s negotiating fees, securing sellers paid advertising, or gaining seller commitment, you'll become confident in leading these discussions and winning more business every time. Each module is packed with valuable take-home strategies to accelerate the success of you and your team.

This is for you if you want to:

  1. Be fit for the market
  2. Build a massive competitive edge
  3. Learn the listing, sales and negotiation techniques that work
  4. Drive your sales productivity
  5. Gain greater Clarity & Confidence
  6. Grow your results

You'll walk away from The Ultimate Listing System with a new level of motivation to implement like never before so you can shift your listing performance to a whole new level and secure more of the business you want.


Michael Sheargold

Michael Sheargold is known for transforming agents’ listing win rate by dramatically upgrading skills, strategies, dialogue and mindset.

Having worked with the who’s who in Real Estate in a career spanning almost three decades, it’s no wonder he is widely regarded as Australia’s Number 1 Performance Coach – creating more millionaire Agents and Principals than anyone else!

With no signs of slowing down, Michael is on a mission to “transform the reputation and the results of each and every real estate professional.”


Frequently Asked Questions

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